Wendie has been a dietitian for more than 20 years, and has gained a breadth of experience in marketing and sales while working for global food and medical device companies, including Nestle Health Sciences.
She has created and launched a food product, Pantry Doctor Overnight Oats, and has spoken at events for women in small business on nutrition topics.
Wendie also co-authored a book in 2016, Healthy Gut Diet: Understand the Link between Gut Health and Your Overall Well-being.
In 2017, Wendie began her journey to become an intuitive eater and began to build what is now her online community, Ditching Diets Together.
Wendie received her Bachelors in Nutrition from Southeast Missouri State University, and her Masters of Business Administration from Mercer University in Atlanta, GA.
Wendie currently resides in Fort Lauderdale, FL and enjoys beach walks, trying new restaurants, and spending time with her husband and two kitties.
With her engaging nature and personal approach, Wendie holds even the biggest audiences captive with useful messages that resonate with people seeking information on nutrition and health from a weight-neutral approach.
As consumers continue to wisen up, they’ve learned to weed through the noise. The companies that survive, stand out, and hold the most market share are those who substantiate their products’ efficacy through the backing of licensed experts.
"After four years in recovery from disordered eating, I continued to struggle with knowing how to nourish my body well, and that required more guidance than Instagram or Pinterest could give. Wendie's gentle and loving approach was exactly what God knew I needed to work through years of harmful messaging, unnecessary guilt and shame, and diet culture trauma. Her "Shape Your Plate" method and "Freedom After 40" course were pivotal in helping me learn how to create balanced meals, especially while navigating perimenopause! And after experiencing a distressing visit to my doctor's office, Wendie was not only supportive, but she smashed the fat-phobic lies I was told and showed me changes I could make with food and natural supplements to improve those health concerns. I couldn't feel more grateful for Wendie's support and that she accompanied me on my path to food freedom."
"I am so thankful I have gotten to a place where my goals are not to lose weight, change my body shape, or burn a certain amount of calories. My motivation now comes from a place of self-care. My new goals are to increase my strength, reduce my stress load, work on my sleep habits, and improve my overall flexibility. I knew I had to do the work, but with her guidance and support I wouldn't have been able to overcome my struggles with food and my body. THANK YOU WENDIE!"
"Here I am sitting in my yard in a tank top! I have not worn anything sleeveless even in my own house for over 10 years! Until about 6 weeks ago, I didn't even know I was allowed to love myself exactly as I look, with bigger and flabbier arms than I want to have in this moment. Feeling very grateful for this program for letting me understand it's ok if I don't love the way I look in a tank top. I can notice that thought, think about some things that I do love about myself to balance out my thinking and move on comfortably. I am outdoors, getting some sun, moving my body and doing yard work so things are good. And the way my arms look right now really does not matter much at all!"
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